Mepaco Blog

Reliable by Design

Compare EP Food Contact Surfaces under 200X Magnification

Apache routinely conducts tests for customers and in-house studies on the benefits of electropolished surfaces on food contact surfaces.

Highlighted above, is a study that compares high-end finishes under 200X magnification:

  1. 304 Stainless Steel Bead Blast Finish with readings from 35 – 45 RA
  2. 304 Stainless Steel 2B + Electropolished Finish with reading from 5 – 6 RA
  3. 304 Stainless Steel 2B Finish (12-gauge material) with reading from 15 – 17 RA
  4. 304 Stainless Steel 2B Finish (10-gauge material) with reading from 20 – 30 RA

It shows the RA (Roughness average) reading in four finish examples of 304 stainless steel. In the study, the electropolished finish is more than six times smoother that the bead blasted finish.

What makes this study significant is that food processors can leverage electropolished surfaces to increase food safety performance.  Our customer’s who choose electropolished food contact surfaces tell us that food safety is significantly enhanced, and sanitation efficiencies are realized in time savings and water usage.

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