If you have specific product category questions, please feel free to call sales directly.
Cory Buchholz C: (920) 344-6077 O: (920) 887-8177 cory.buchholz@apachestainless.com
Greg Gruber C: (920) 889-0316 O: (920) 356-7330 greg.gruber@apachestainless.com
Tom Hoffmann C: (262) 853-8306 O: (920) 356-7323 tom.hoffmann@apachestainless.com
Dustin Means O: (920) 342-0386 dustin.means@apachestainless.com
Dustin Means Regional Sales Manager Western Region & International Sales
dustin.means@apachestainless.com Phone: 206-482-7676
Cory Buchholz Regional Sales Manager Northeast Region
cory.buchholz@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 887-8177 Cell: (920) 344-6077
Greg Gruber Regional Sales Manager North Central Region
greg.gruber@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 356-7330 Cell: (920) 889-0316
Tom Hoffmann Director of Sales
tom.hoffmann@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 356-7323 Cell: (262) 853-8306
Josh Schladweiler Field Services and Parts Manager All Territories
josh.schladweiler@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 356-7314 Cell: (920)344-1465
Shane Hughes Mepaco Engineering Manager All Territories
shane.hughes@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 356-7318 Cell: (920) 219-0175
Tracey Stiemsma Parts Sales Associate All Mepaco Parts Inquiries
tracey.stiemsma@apachestainless.com Phone: (920) 356-7321