Mepaco Blog

Reliable by Design

Drain Plug Protector is a little innovation that solves big problems

The night shift has completed their work and the sanitation team begins flooding the process room with cleaning chemicals, water and spray to soak and sanitize every nook and cranny.  And what often gets blasted away? The drain plug often goes missing.  Sometimes the cleaning crew doesn’t even know it went down the drain.  Sometimes the production staff starting up the next shift also doesn’t know it is missing.

Many food processing people have a similar story, so Mepaco invented a tool-less self-containing plug that is impossible to lose and easy to appreciate.

Mepaco’s plug ejects far enough to release the waste, but is restrained against a solid welded restrictive barrier that holds the plug in line, without limiting performance, or enabling escape.  

Other plug designs don’t hold up to rigorous cleaning and aren’t designed to prevent the harboring of bacteria.  While sanitation teams want easy to clean solutions that will pass inspection, production wants efficiency with no loss of product.  Losing plugs are no longer a concern with these self-containing plugs.


A Video Walk-Through of the Auger Cart

At a recent trade show, here is a video walk-around tour of the Auger Cart on display.


  • 3000 lb. dual screw auger cart with pump discharge
  • Available with single or double screws with optional leveling ribbons
  • Sanitation steps
  • Safety guarding with hinged grating for accessibility
  • Electropolished finish on product contact surfaces
  • Positive displacement pump for a metered flow
  • Ergonomic HD hinge design for ease of pump maintenance

Mepaco’s booth is at 3202 – Lakeside at McCormick Place.

For more information on Auger Carts, call Mepaco’s sales team.

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